Monday, November 22, 2004

Long Drive

well then, on tuesday i will be driving up to ogden so that i can bring matt down to his family for thanksgiving. it's about 5.5 hour drive from here so i'm not really looking forward to that, i am however looking forward to seeing matt for the first time since mid september. another good thing is that cierra is comming down for thanksgiving so i'll get to see her hopefully. i think the worst thing about the drive will be the trip back home, seeing as we have to stop in murray to pick up my sister, her husband, and my nephew to bring them down for thanksgiving. so it will be a long trip. normally i only have to stop about 2 times (unless matt has to pee a lot), but this time i will have to stop more often probably because of the other people. perhaps my sister will drive part of the way so that i can just sleep for a bit.....ahhh sleeping on a long car drive, it's been awile since i've been able to do that.

on the subject of education, i just finished re-learning division last night. so i'm going to the learning center for a few hours today so that i can get a couple more books and work on them over the thanksgiving break.

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